Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tampons, Maxi Pads Banned From Gallery During Anti Abortion Bill Debate

Rick Perry and the anti abortion foes finally passed their restrictive and unconstitutional measure in the Texas Senate and the bill will now go to the governor who will surely sign it.
Perry is laying the groundwork for another presidential run and he is eager to appeal to the most extreme of the GOP right wing.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Rick Perry Says He Will Go To Israel


By Peggy Fikac : Friday, July 12, 2013, San Antonio News/Express 
Gov. Rick Perry, who told a San Antonio audience that he’ll focus on Texas for the next 18 months while he serves out his last term, told the Washington Times that he’s headed to Israel in October
From the Washington Times story, bannered as an exclusive:

“We will be going to Israel to bring together Arabs, Christian and Jews in an educational forum,” Mr. Perry told The Washington Times in an interview just three days after he announced he would not seek an unprecedented fourth term as Texas governor.
Many analysts interpreted that decision as evidence that he is setting the table for a White House campaign. Asked what would induce him to announce a run, he told The Times that he has “plenty of time to make that decision.”
When Perry announced at Holt Cat in San Antonio Monday that he wouldn’t seek re-election, he said:
“I am looking forward to the next 18 months as I serve out my term. Any future considerations I will announce in due time, and I will arrive at that decision appropriately. But my focus will remain on Texas.”


Monday, July 8, 2013

Rick Perry Announces He Will Not Run For Re-election


Just heard the news that Rick will not run for another term in the next election for Governor in 2014. That's the good news. The bad news is that he will almost certainly run for President again in 2016. It is also a cinch bet that Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott will be the GOP favorite to replace Perry. Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst is probably going to run. Another name mentioned is Tom Pauken, a longtime GOP activist, and there are other potential candidates in the wings.
Perhaps the rising star of State Senator Wendy Davis might find opportunity here. Also the Castro Brothers of San Antonio might figure into the mix as Democrats will likely be invigorated in their effort to turn Texas Blue. Let me be among the first to say to Rick "Adios mo fo!"