Monday, August 25, 2014

Perry says states are "lavatories" of democracy!

Many have wondered if  Rick Perry was truly prepared to campaign for President once again. Maybe not so much...
Governor of Texas, Rick "oops!" Perry, was off and running for Prez again in New Hampshire yesterday when he made a startling claim.

 “We need to look at the states, which are lavatories of innovation and democracy, reform. We need to unleash the competition between the states for jobs, innovation and opportunity.”
— Gov. Rick Perry speaking at an Americans for Prosperity event on Friday in Manchester, N.H.
 Texas Tribune: 8-25-2014
Perhaps this was a Freudian slip. Perry has enriched his cronies with state funds and abused his power when going after his political enemies. He sure needs to clean his act up!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Friday, July 25, 2014

Hope Perry has no more "oops!" moments at the border

From Wikipedia:

Esequiel Hernández, Jr. (May 14, 1979 – May 20, 1997) was an 18-year-old American high school student killed on May 20, 1997 by United States Marines in Redford, Texas, located approximately one mile from the United States–Mexico border.[1] Hernández was the first American civilian to be killed by active United States Armed Forces while they were on duty since the student massacre at Kent State University in 1970[2] and led to Defense Secretary William Cohen issuing a temporary suspension of troop patrols near the U.S.–Mexico border.[3] The shooting inspired the 2005 movie The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada by Tommy Lee Jones, and the 2007 documentary The Ballad of Esequiel Hernandez.[4]
U.S. Marines on drug patrol heavily camouflaged in ghillie suits came upon Hernández herding goats. The camouflaged Marines observed the 18 year old high school student from concealment at a distance of approximately 200 yards maintaining radio contact with their unit.[5] Hernández, who was carrying a .22 caliber rifle that family members said he used to fend off predators, shot in the direction of the Marines.[1] Continuing to call for Border Patrol assistance, the Marines proceeded to track Hernández for twenty minutes, until the Marine fire-team leader shot and killed Hernandez. The bullet entered Hernandez' armpit on his right side.[6]
A congressional investigation into the killing was scheduled for September 1997.[7] A grand jury examined the fatal shooting and considered criminal charges against the four Marines,[8] but did not indict any of the Marines involved in the shooting.[9] The Justice Department subsequently dropped its investigation.[10] The Marines also investigated the killing.[11] In 1998, the U.S. government paid his family $1.9 million to settle a wrongful death claim.[12] The U.S. Marine who fatally shot Hernández was not charged.[13]

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rick Perry to California?

There were reports online yesterday, not necessarily reliable sites but we can hope, that Rick Perry was considering moving to California when he leaves office.
California? Really?
Perry spent many of his years as Texas Guv blasting California and poaching companies there by offering huge tax cuts and lax environmental regulations to encourage them to move to Texas.
Some irony here. Maybe political reasons?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Perry once again throws around "rebellion" at CPAC convention

Rick Perry is not only forgetful but loose lipped. He likes to throw around words like "secession" and "rebellion" in an attempt to appeal to far right wing crazies. This is a man who wants to run for President. It would be a tragedy for the nation and the world if such a man became President.